Is Peter Szabo Legit? | An In Depth Review Of The Source Hacker System By A Licensed Psychotherapist
The Source Hacker System has been designed with the intention to get the customer to create the life of their dreams manifesting on demand. This is the main premise of the system and in order to achieve it is divided into 4 weeks, plus 2 extra weeks that come as a bonus. As an introduction to the course, its creator, Peter Szabo, tells us about his own story and how he implemented the tips and knowledge that are included in the course. He grew up as a poor child and managed to build his own company and earn 1 million dollars at the age of 19.
As a psychologist and therapist, I will do my best to give you my unbiased opinion on how well this course delivers its purpose. I myself completed the course and therefore I can provide useful experience regarding how the course works, and what impact it had on my life.
In this review, I will cover the following points:
- What the course is actually about.
- The parts of the course, explained.
- Why this course is for you or not.
- How much the course costs and why it is worth it or not.
- Pros and cons.
- Conclusion.
Something to bear in mind is that the course itself is based on the idea that you can actually hack life itself by changing your own paradigm and learning how to use the law of attraction. If you are not familiar with this concept, it might seem like something alien to you, but actually, the whole course has a well-structured psychological foundation.
The Law of attraction is actually using your own brain and attitude to get in sync with what you really want. So if you feel skeptical about the whole construct itself, think about it as a chain of facts that occur when we change our thoughts. We will dive deeper into this aspect further in the breakdown.
Basically, this course promises to change your life forever by getting you to change specific aspects of your life, some of them, you were not even aware of. Each week you are presented with at least one different topic to work on, and you even get “homework” to send to after every week. Also, you are added to a private Facebook group that shares all the wins and thoughts/ questions that each participant has. Every week, you also get a Q&A call with Peter himself to ask any questions and present any doubts. These questions are answered immediately and people actually get to share their thoughts and their own journey so far.
At some point in the course, you also get the chance to get an accountability partner, which is basically another participant that is also doing the course. You pair up and get to meet each other online to keep track of your goals and how things are actually doing. It’s a way of making sure that progress is happening since there is even more pressure when you have to prove that you actually implemented a change in your life.
All in all, the course intends to get you to abandon old mindsets and learn about what to do to improve your life. Some of the tips are mostly known by the majority of the people, but with a slightly different perspective that makes it completely unlike the average advice, we get when we seek change. We have actually learned things the wrong way, so this course is not only to learn but to UNLEARN many preconceived ideas.
How To Use The Program
Basically, the technical stuff you need to know in order to take true advantage of the course and how it works.
It will explain how to navigate and how the content is released weekly, as well as how to ask for technical help.
It will also show you which videos you have watched so far and which you still have to.
A very standard and easy-to-use interface.
Join The Mastermind + Q&As
Q&A calls are key in this course, as it solves any doubts that may come up during the week.
In this video, Peter explains the reason why the Facebook group is important and how you can join the Q&A calls.
Meet your new best friend,
the Mastermind!
The Two Paradigms
In this part, the victor and victim paradigm are explained. These are 2 basic sets of ideas that rule the lives of ordinary people. The reason why this part is relevant is that it raises awareness about how we actually think, and the impact it has on what happens to us. Every human has thoughts he is aware of and others that remain unconscious, therefore this part of the course makes you think which paradigm is leading your life.
Proximity Is Power
This part is key to the whole process of rebuilding your life, as it is a hack that very few people know and practice. It mainly states that you become the average of the people that are closest to you in your life. This may sound simple but it actually has a scientific basis, as there is something called “mirror neurons”, which allow us to learn through imitation. They enable us to copy body language, facial expressions, and emotions. They play an essential part in our social life and are key for development, as well as relationships and education. For that reason, we are also being affected by our surroundings and the people in them.
In psychology, not only the individual is key, but also his social network. This will also shape him, and guide him towards certain actions. Thus, the more conscious and selective we are while choosing who we spend time with and who we let in our lives does matter.
How To Get Results
Here is where we get some real tips on how to actually become successful while using the course. This part is said to be critical, as this will determine who will really take advantage of the course and who won’t. Yes, exactly, here is where we get a slap of reality and we confirm our fears: WE ACTUALLY HAVE TO IMPLEMENT WHAT WE HAVE LEARNT. No matter how much we study something, listen to it and repeat it, nothing is going to happen if we are not truly assimilating it by making it part of our lives.
It is said that in order to create a habit, you must do it for 21 days. Well, time is relative and we are all different individuals, but the truth is that sitting down and listening to a couple of videos won’t solve all your problems unless you actually change something for real.
It makes sense right? If it were that easy, everybody would feel successful, happy, and rich. So we get a little disclaimer here: YOU BETTER PUT WORK INTO THIS.
Optimizing Your Dopamine
Dopamine can actually be our ally or our biggest obstacle. In this part, we learn how to actually transcend the whole dopamine cycle we are used to: social media, porn, junk food etc. All in all, instant gratification that only stands in our way to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Our body is well equipped and prepared to create its own hormone cocktail out of simple things as exercising or doing some inner work. The difference is that while some instant gratification might be okay in the short run, it will steadily ruin our lives in the long run. This is quite the opposite when we learn how to fabricate dopamine the smart way.
Celebrate Wins Now
Probably, the whole course is worth it if you just stay with this idea of sharing wins. It is crucial to learn the power of sharing wins, no matter how small they may seem to you. Here is where the law of attraction takes a dominant role. The more wins you share, the more information your brain is processing in relation to “being successful”. Reward mechanisms take part (dopamine) and actually our brains start to notice more and more positive changes.
Sharing them and getting the support of a great community, and at the same time feeling gratefulness for even the smallest things will surely bring even more good things to feel grateful for. It is like a snowball effect where more and more positive things apparently start to happen.
People rarely reward themselves in a conscious and healthy way. Some people are never satisfied with their effort and therefore they might even punish themselves with a very self-destructive inner language. That changes when we actively focus on what wins we have every day. This may sound as if someone was telling us “hey, there’s always something good to be grateful for”, but actually, that’s completely true. Mastering the art of appreciating the smallest thing, will bring us the biggest. Otherwise, we will be trapped in the loop of “it’s never enough”, “I don’t have what I want yet”, “things are not going the way I planned”. And that might be true for you, but starting by appreciating our own effort is the best way to lead our bodies and brains towards the right path.
In psychology, this is explained by the reward circuit, in which the limbic system, dopamine, and the frontal lobe are involved. This is basically giving something good to the brain (acknowledging wins= dopamine= pleasure), and automatically getting it to work for you so that experience can be repeated. This means, the more you give yourself praise for your small/big/whatever achievements, the more prone you are to get more of those, because, surprise, the brain wants some more of that drug called dopamine.
Wins posted on the Facebook group.
The Life Map & Sheet
This part is where we design our life goal and what we have to do or stop doing in order to achieve it. It’s a useful tool to keep track of how things are actually going regarding goals and actions. People usually lack a way of organizing their goals. Sometimes we feel lack, but we don’t really know where it comes from. What we’re missing. Once again, being conscious about what we really want, focusing on the action. With a simple Excel template, the course teaches you how to adapt it so it fits your needs.
How To Customize Your Life Map/Sheet
Of course, you need to get used to the whole dynamic of where to write what and how to do it in order to make it very clear and efficient.
Here we have a tutorial showing how to do it.
This is a key step to improve yourself.
Mental Mechanics Explained (How Your Brain Works)
Basic neuroscience and psychology to get to know how your brain actually works and how it can work to get you closer to your dreams. Here is where things start to get to the root cause of any issue you might be facing. Here is where we talk about how our memories have shaped our identity, and therefore our identity has shaped our own world. This is a key difference with any other courses that try to scratch the surface but don’t really get to make a significant change. Here is where the most challenging part starts.
Your Inner Thermostat
This is key in noticing that as humans, we follow unconscious patterns that have been there in order to “protect us”. In this part, you will learn how to notice it and change it consciously. The inner thermostat can be applied to almost anything in our lives. Bodyweight, money, success, relationships, etc.
How To Change A Memory
If you reach this part of the course, you learn a tool that very few people know. We are finally introduced to memory flipping, the act of rewriting the memories that shape our identity. This is the core of the course. This technique is very similar to EMDR therapy, where the person integrates traumatic memories in order to overcome the negative effects of it and grab the learnings of the experience. I will clarify more what the whole technique is about and why it is essential in understanding why things happen the way they happen to us.
Fair Warning & The Key
Obviously, a method that can possibly change memory and reshape reality is not something to underestimate. There is a way of doing it so that the impact of it will be inherently positive, avoiding unnecessary suffering. This is because digging in big negative memories can trigger traumatic experiences and fears that were long ago buried deep down. Having a therapist by your side is highly recommended, as there might be times where memories are too much to handle without the help of a professional. Kids, don’t do this at home if you don’t know what you are doing. (HINT: DON’T START WITH TRAUMATIC MEMORIES).
Source Hacking Demo
The best way to learn how to self-change a memory, and doing it safely, is by paying attention to the guides provided by the course. The tips, the resources, and the videos. The course also gives you the chance to get memory flipping sessions with trained professionals that will guide you through the whole process and will help you find the key memories you have to flip. So no, you are definitely not alone.
Work on “The One”
Usually, even though we are made up of infinite memories, there is usually ONE key memory that is shaping your whole “being stuck” process. There is something that started the process of lack of abundance, low self-esteem, etc. That’s why they call it “the one”. Usually, there are multiple “the ones” inside us (one for each bigger issue), so, guess what? Yes, exactly, lots of work to do!
Source Hacking How-To
Memories are not always simple to remember and grab. There are multiple ways of flipping a memory, using different techniques in order to trigger the appearance of the root memory. Here is where people usually get confused. Well, unless you are a trained masochist, you don’t usually remember trauma that well. By trauma, we don’t mean something major like rape, death, or abuse. Trauma can be something we needed and never got, something we didn’t want to experience and we did. Trauma can be pretty much anything that gets your system to start the fight or flight mode. So don’t underestimate a memory, no matter how neutral it may seem.
Source Hacking Examples
The best practice is a good theory, but also good examples.
Here we have actual recordings of how to flip a memory and we can see how it is done live.
Using real volunteers, the whole process is shown for us to learn.
How to Identify Memories
Disclaimer: root memories are usually not super visible. Some are hidden, but, luckily, there are ways to get to them using different techniques.
This video will teach you different methods to find out what memory causes your suffering.
It will also go through common questions and issues.
How to Flip Memories via Tapping
Tapping is a highly recommended technique used to relieve anxiety and traumatic response. During memory flipping, expect intense emotions and even overwhelming feelings. Things are finally being addressed, and it hurts. Tapping can give us a life vest for when we are experiencing the consequences of diving into our past.
Identity Book
Change your identity and you will change what will actually happen to you.
The identity book helps you build the new version of yourself.
It doesn’t matter how successful you are already, how much money you own, or the body you have.
There is always this 2.0 version of you waiting.
The one that treats people better, the one that enjoys life and doesn’t live on autopilot.
There are always changes to be made.
That’s just how it is.
Congratulations, you are human!
Rituals & Routines
Humans are made of routines. A routine doesn’t have to be something negative or boring. If our routine is to earn 2000 dollars per day, then I’m in. Routines will take you places, definitely. It sounds dull but think about all the routines we do have: first thing in the morning, a scoop of whining, followed by a pinch of self-pity. We are not aware, but these are also routines. Time to change them for some new, more efficient ones.
The Calendar Hack
Oh, time management.
What is that? Well, as simple as it may seem, here is where the average human being messes it up. Do we have enough time for ourselves? Do we even use our self-time smartly?
Probably not, and this calendar hack might be useful for those who struggle with consistency and routines.
Money Miracle Process
And now is where we specifically work on money issues and how to get the ball rolling regarding finances. As with other issues, all of us have memories regarding money. From a very early age, some of us have suffered lack, bankruptcy, non-abundance, and loss. This may have shaped our reality, and sent a message of “beware of money, it is dangerous”. YES, very much to your surprise, there can be unconscious patterns that lead you towards not having economical abundance because, at some point, it didn’t feel safe. In this part, you will get to work on what actually happened to you so that money doesn’t come.
In a conscious way, we all crave abundance, however, our unconscious is playing a very different match against that conscious wish.
Soul Mate Process
Because you didn’t come to this course only for money, right? And even if you did, why not kill two birds with one stone?
The soulmate process is basically you stopping your self-sabotage in order to let life and the universe provide you with who you actually have to be with.
This is not some sort of magic trick, but rather you creating a better version of yourself that will automatically attract a better soulmate.
Same as with money, we are filled with preconceived ideas of what true love is, what we deserve, and how to get it. Therefore, we will act accordingly, seeking for almost lovers, semi suitable partners, and lots of things we think we deserve but we actually don’t.
Health Upgrade Process
Money, love, and now health, of course. In psychology, some paradigms believe that humans work as systems, therefore, if you make a change in one of the areas, the rest will follow. Nevertheless, we do have a special part in the course for health.
Careful here, this doesn’t substitute your general practitioner’s advice or traditional medicine. Here is where you choose what to believe.
The interesting part of this is that it gives an insight into how emotions and mindset can actually affect physical and mental health. (PLEASED PSYCHOLOGIST HERE).
Peace of Mind Process
Are we talking about dealing with anxiety? Yes, we are. Or did you really expect to be a rich, loved, successful person without achieving peace of mind? Sorry, my dear, this course will poke on every area of your life and won’t really let you skip this part. Well, actually you can skip it, but it’s your money.
Let’s get real, peace of mind is KEY to manifesting anything, and accepting the process of it. It is of utmost importance that you pay attention to this part of the course, even if it doesn’t directly teach you how to instantly become a self-made millionaire.
The Perfect Day Formula
What is life? A compilation of days. (DEAFENING APPLAUSE)
Have you ever thought about what a perfect day looks like for you? Well, you will definitely have to do this if you take the course. A day is the best chunk of time you can work with if you want a better life. Analyzing means dividing difficulty into parts, and that’s what we are doing. Going step by step designing what is best for us. What should our morning routine look like, what our days should include in order to get cracking and get stuff done.
The Perfect Week Formula
HA! I got you there, you are not only going to work on a single day, but also with weekly routines because days only have 24 hours. There is so much we can fit in a week (such as resting time and sleep, yes, we do need to rest).
As you may have already seen, organizing is quite important in this course. Do you think Jeff Bezos has a chaotic week? (well, let’s not compare our paths with others…)
Power of Accountability
You’ll never walk alone, not even in the Source Hacker System. If you were ashamed of your schedule and habits, now you can relish the power of actually having an audience that will remind you of WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING.
No. Accountability is crucial to get things done. Having an accountability partner will surely speed up the whole process of you becoming successful. Please, reflect on this, have you ever had someone working with you in order for you to achieve your goals? How many friends do we have that actually talk about getting things done, things changed, and achieving dreams? Having an accountability partner means you paired up with somebody as motivated to make a change as you are.
This process can truly become beautiful, and you might even develop a long-lasting relationship.
Positive Reinforcement
The whole psychology community is turning its head like: “are you talking about me?”.
This is something you may or may not know, but actually, we should reward and praise ourselves. We don’t always have a parent, partner, or friend that praises us when we make an effort or we achieve something. Until that happens, we will always have the power inside us to hack our brains in order to repeat good actions that move us toward our goals.
Having a community that supports each other, gives praise, and interacts with you, giving you advice and understanding when the process is being hard, is one of the most valuable things in life. We don’t always have this in a natural way, but joining the Source Hacker System may seem like entering a community of love and understanding worth the hippie movement.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s much more than that.
We are all different, no matter how a course is. There is no magical solution for everyone. We may well find our own way of doing things and achieving our goals. So before we really consider buying the course or not, let’s take a look at our expectations.
This course is not for people that are not willing to make a huge change in their lives. And by huge change, I mean a process of deconstruction that will take time and in some cases, pain.
Pain is not good or bad, pain is a part of some processes. It doesn’t mean it is compulsory, but it’s better to expect it and accept it than to fight to avoid it.
In this course, you will face fears, trauma, memories, and issues that surely were forgotten by your conscious part. Maybe they were too big to handle and therefore were sent to the SPAM folder. You not seeing it doesn’t mean it’s not there, changing your life every day.
So let me tell you that if you buy this course, it is not for you to comfortably listen to a couple of videos and read texts for fun. It’s going to take time. REPEAT WITH ME: IT REQUIRES TIME.
Why am I saying this? Because I myself am a Source Hacker and also had expectations and cried myself to sleep thinking about how hard the process was. And I don’t regret a single thing. If you feel you won’t compromise, don’t buy it. If you believe doing the inner work is not worth it, don’t even think about it, it’s not for you.
However, if you have this masochistic part of you that’s screaming in agony to get a handful of lessons, then, well, it’s up to you. I’m not here to convince you to buy the course and unluckily I won’t get a commission for this, so do whatever feels best for you. That would make me very happy.
Let me tell you a bit about my own story with the Source Hacker System. When I bought it, I was going through money issues, having saved my money as best as I could. I had more or less twice the amount of money the course cost. That means that yes, I invested half of my savings in the course. Leap of faith, right? Covid was kicking hard and I had lost my job because of that. I couldn’t work on my own due to the lockdown. Personally, I was struggling with depression (YES, PSYCHOLOGISTS GET DEPRESSION TOO, BOOM!), and my father was suffering from a serious illness that used up all family savings.
I started the Source Hacker System with mixed feelings, as it felt like a huge investment and part of me was saying: “WHY DID YOU DO THAT?”. The other part was sure about the decision and carried on.
Soon after I bought the course, I actually started manifesting the equivalent money that it had cost me. Soon after that, I started getting clients again and felt something was changing immensely.
Do I skip the part where I cry and suffer because my life is rapidly shifting in an unknown direction? NO! This is important, and you should pay attention. Something nobody really tells you is that by asking the universe for a change, or something you really crave for, life will suddenly change in order to prepare you for what you actually wanted. This can feel very nasty, but the beauty in it is that it’s always worth it. ALWAYS.
My whole love life was radically changing, and I met a soulmate that was exactly what I always wanted and at the same time feared to find. Why fear? Well, the ways of the mind are inscrutable. Did I find it 2000 km away? YES. Am I living with that person? YEP.
It seemed impossible but yet it came true.
Beautiful, right? The story that moved Spielberg.
I’m sorry if this is too raw, but before you buy a course like this, I think you should get to know what you are getting into. Since I bought the course, I can easily say that my mindset and life philosophy were drastically changed. For the better, I mean.
The best thing that has happened isn’t manifesting a good amount of clients, but rather developing a way of flowing with life and really trusting the universe and the way it works. Getting more resources to deal with all the issues life can provide with. That is what I have really learned.
So is this course for you? You’ll never know if you never try, they say.
Let’s talk about money, bb.
The course can be paid in different ways, first of all, you can pay 497 USD or 3 fees of 199 USD. Before you take the course, they tell you that you can ask for a refund if you actually didn’t manage to achieve any goal by the end of 30 days. That is true, but if you ask for a refund, you will also be asked for proof that you actually put in the real hard work and didn’t achieve anything. If you are buying this because of the refund, I would think twice. The course has a very huge component of attitude, and giving it a try just to see how it is and then quit is not something worth the effort.
Now, is the price worth it? This is not a simple question that can be answered by “yes” or “no”. And it is incredibly subjective and personal, so I will stick to the old “DEPENDS”.
But aren’t you supposed to tell us if it’s worth it or not? Well, no matter what I tell you, you will still have your own opinion. FOR ME, it was definitely worth it.
Worth the effort, worth the money, and worth the time invested. It has given me so many good experiences and people. I have grown so much that I don’t really recognize myself. (I do, but I prefer the 2.0 version).
Let me ask you some questions:
How much would you pay in order to meet the love of your life?
How much would you pay to be fully healthy?
How much would you pay to let go of money issues?
What is the most important thing you would like to achieve in life?
What is the biggest issue you haven’t solved yet?
What is your biggest fear regarding buying the course?
What is the worst-case scenario?
And the best-case scenario?
If you could envision yourself as the happiest you have ever been, how many things need to be changed?
If you are this far into the review, first of all, congratulations. Standing my sour sense of humor and irony is worth a medal I won’t give you but you very much deserve.
I hope reading this review written by a psychologist didn’t discourage you to go to therapy. That would make me very very sad.
Getting back to the point, if you can answer the previous questions, you will get a better idea of how interesting the course might be for you. It’s all up to you. Always.
A few pros and cons? Sure, why not:
- Getting to know a community that will support you.
- Getting full access to the course and FB group forever.
- Having access to more courses, more offers, and even memory flipping sessions with professionals.
- Changing your mindset in ways you still can’t imagine.
- Achieving happiness and fulfillment by changing negative patterns.
- Getting access to the weekly Q&A calls where you can participate directly with Peter himself and his teammates, which are actually very nice people.
- Developing a different habit of appreciating life and small wins we usually overlook.
- Manifesting life changes, more income, soulmates, health.
- Getting to know yourself better, even if it hurts.
- Working on your own issues with the help of professionals.
- Developing new and healthy relationships with the members of the Source Hacker System.
- Becoming more aware of your own life and how you can actually influence it.
- Reconsidering your whole identity and actually deciding what to do with your life.
- Fixing many issues that have been there for years, (if you can get a therapist, that would be awesome too)
- Feeling in sync with life and its vibrations, actually getting to know the law of attraction for real and how to apply it.
- Investing a considerably big amount of money might make you want to be extra demanding with yourself and the course itself before you actually begin putting the work on it.
- FEAR. You might experience fear in many stages of the course. That is normal, but still, you might live it.
- Feeling reluctant to participate in the Facebook group at first if you are not a social media person or don’t really like sharing experiences with strangers.
- Regret. Investing in mental health and our own wellbeing is not something that is usually promoted nor praised. People might tell you that this was a scam and you were the poor fella that clicked on the bait. People will doubt you and that is expectable and normal. You will also doubt yourself by the decision you made. Expect it. Embrace it.
- At first, posting wins feels like being a fake happy-go-lucky person. It feels alien, at times stupid, because we are not used to feeling grateful for “small” things. In time, it will feel amazing (at least for me).
- Careful with COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHER PEOPLE. This always happens at first. Oh, look, this girl/boy just won 3000k in a day and found the love of her life within 2 weeks after buying the course. Congratulations Mr/Ms lucky dude, we are happy for you, we have a different path, and that’s okay. We can feel small, unsuccessful at times, but that reminds us of what’s important for us. Still, careful with that, it can really hurt.
- Prepare yourself for WORKING HARD EVERYDAY. It’s not going to work if you don’t. At first, it’s very easy to blame the course and say it’s a scam. Then we panic and feel angry at ourselves and the course. You have been warned. This might happen.
Here is where you should come to your own conclusions, I’m sorry.
For me, this has been, and it still is, a very intense journey. This never ends, because you can’t put an end to growth and commitment with yourself. I can’t assure you that this will fix your life, because “fixing” something, is a compilation of many changes, many variables, and many hours of work. Also, think about the people you know, and how many of them are actually happy. Do you know people that decided to do the inner work and face their demons? Maybe not that many, right? Because spoiler alert: it’s not that easy. If it were, then we would all be driving flying cars and experiencing a new era of love and joy. We are slowly getting there, but that requires looking at the part we dread the most — the painful part of our pasts.
by Mª Belén López, Licensed Psychotherapist (Spain)
Originally shared on; reposted on Medium to reach more people.